Archive for the ‘George Bush’ Category

A Splash of Cold Water

21 January 2010

Just as I’ve been saying for some time that ObamaCare wasn’t passed yet, even when others got despondent about Ben Nelson (D-NE) providing the 60th vote in the Senate and sending it to the reconciliation committee, and so forth; now I have to say that I think pronouncements of ObamaCare’s death are also premature. Beyond the fact that they still have (and always will have) more dirty tricks up their sleeves (and we can’t replace any more of them until November), I often see people hanging their last-ditch hopes on judicial review ruling the whole thing unconstitutional. Well, we all know that socialized medicine is unconstitutional; and blatantly, obviously so…

…however, we’re not the ones who get to make that call. Joseph Stalin said that it doesn’t matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes (a quote used repeatedly by the very people abetting or supporting Al Gore’s attempt to steal the Presidency in 2000). In the same way, it doesn’t matter what the Constitution says, it matters who gets to decide what the Constitution says. Liberal politicians and judges have for decades been ignoring the plain language that’s actually in the Constitution (e.g. the Second Amendment) while completely making up passages that aren’t actually in it (e.g. Roe vs. Wade). The McCain-Feingold “Campaign Reform” Act was also blatantly unconstitutional – Congress knew it when they passed it and President Bush said so when he signed it. They all sat back and passed the buck, hoping the Supreme Court would overrule it. But they didn’t, and now we’re stuck with it.

Sure, it’s possible that SCOTUS will save us if all else fails, but don’t just assume that and rely on the Supreme Court to block this monstrosity. It needs to be fought and opposed every inch of the way, with no step in the process unresisted. Force them to read the whole thing aloud at every opportunity. Keep the pressure up on the blue dogs, on any and all Democrats up for re-election this year. The worst thing anyone can do is sit back and assume that Obama’s hostile takeover of your health is over.

Addendum: Of course, not long after I wrote this entry, the news had to break that the Supreme Court has just, on this very day, “struck down part of the landmark McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill” … just in time to make me look foolish. (Like I need their help in looking foolish!) I Question The Timing.™

And I Thought I Was a Comedian

30 December 2009

The Hill — Democratic strategists Wednesday asserted President Barack Obama “has been far more aggressive in fighting al Qaeda” than the previous administration…


Tori Amos Will Run as a Republican if Sarah Palin Does

28 December 2009

Apparently starved for attention, singer-songwriter-victim-of-society Tori Amos, who needs  no  quite a bit of introduction to the C² regulars discussing this, announced:

(ANI) “If Palin runs again, I’m going to run on a Republican ticket. What I know about Middle Eastern policy could fit on a thumbnail, but I still know more than she does. …”

At least she’s honest about her own ignorance, even if she’s bought into the common if completely inaccurate Palin-as-moron MSM meme. Good luck for her even getting onto a Republican ticket, mind you; but if she ever did, then she’d just split the leftist vote with whoever was running on the Democratic ticket, leaving the way clear for a conservative third-party candidate. She’s certainly a stranger to irony, as she continued with “You have to ask, how could a nation nearly vote in somebody who isn’t qualified for the job?” before singing (if such a verb can be applied to her warbling) the praises of Failure-in-Chief Barack “I’ll give myself a B+ even if no one else will” Obama…

The Spark hitmaker insists she feels more positive about the future of the country with US President Barack Obama. “I’m a lot more hopeful. The [George W.] Bush years were really difficult times if you were an American who loved your country,” she said.

Whereas the current year has just been hunky-dory for all of those Americans who have lost their jobs, and the rest of us who are looking forward to a drastic rise in the withholdings from our paychecks at the expiration of the Bush tax cuts as well as the massive hit we’ll all incur over ObamaCare and all of the other redistribute-the-wealth schemes of the kleptocrats currently running the USA. Still, it’s not like yet another well-paid performer with no contact with the real world has to worry about such trivialities; that’s for the proles to concern themselves with.

“Having someone now that so many people respect doesn’t mean there aren’t going to be problems, but so many problems have been left behind,” she added.

Seems like she hasn’t been paying any attention to the polls either, wrapped up in her fact-free liberal cocoon. Miz Amos is but the latest, and certainly not the last, who needs “Just shut up and sing” tattooed across her body somewhere.


18 December 2009

And this is from Pelosi’s office. Source:

That picture is from February. Since then, the green arrow has continued in its non-stop (albeit less steep) downward direction.

Much Explained

11 December 2009

Obama’s support and poll numbers continue to not so much fly as plummet. Right now 44% would rather have Bush back than Obama. Despite everything the mainstream media keep misreporting about her and all of the other dirt (including Hustler releasing as many porno movie parodies of her that they can shoot) even Sarah Palin is only one point away from Obama. Twenty percent of Americans “support the impeachment of President Obama for his actions so far.” And the trend for Obama’s popularity and “prestige” continues to be down, down, down, with no bottom in sight.

And yet, there are still those hardcore supporters who think that Obama is the best President ever. Who think he’s the Messiah, who think he deserved the admittedly already-devalued Nobel Peace Prize. Who continue to look upon Him and see all of their hopes and dreams come true. How do you explain this group of people? Drugs and more drugs!

(H/T: Hayseed)

Thank You, President Bush

17 November 2009

This happened over a week ago, but I just heard about it now. There was no press coverage, because the Bushes wanted it that way and kept the visit secret – Lord only knows how the Bush-deranged press would have handled it anyway – but “Former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura secretly visited Fort Hood … and spent ‘considerable time’ consoling those who were wounded in [the] shooting spree” according to Fox News.

The Bushes entered and departed the sprawling military facility in secret, having told the base commander they did not want press coverage of their visit, a source told Fox News. The couple was described as “deeply concerned” about military families on Fort Hood after Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly opened fire on soldiers and civilians, killing 13 and wounding 38. The Bushes, who have a 1,600-acre property known as Prairie Chapel Ranch less than 30 miles from Fort Hood in central Texas, spent between one and two hours visiting the wounded and their families.

This is the way a President is expected to behave. This is a class act. And, according to a really good post over at (a Democrat pro-Hillary site), “The Obamas should have done that. But didn’t. Wouldn’t.”

We hope if any of you encounter them you will let them know this is deeply appreciated beyond partisan lines. We will never look at the Bushes, the Bush presidencies, or their legacies the same again… and someday when his presidential library is built, we will be so proud to visit there and tell anyone will listen about November 10th, 2009, the day we finally appreciated former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura.

I know the Bushes didn’t want publicity on this, but this is something that I need to share. And to remember.